Annotation 2024-03-22 170200


Brand: Bomma
Product Description: IP 20, 220-240V, A.C. 50 hz,230 × 220 × 220 mm,2700 K,12V

Metamorphosis is a transformation from one form into another. Metamorphosis the transformation of crystal into a stunning lighted jewel in any interior, creates a variable jewel that enables your compositions. These are flawlessly presented in both craftsmanship and technical execution. The delicate geometric cut of the Metamorphosis Collection on hand-blown crystal comes alive with its internal light source, highlighting amber, clear, or cigar colors. Just like stars from far away in the sky, these seemingly small lighting objects fascinate us individually and become even stronger in groups.

BOMMA Glassworks and Rückl jointly introduce Metamorphosis, a new collection of crystal lighting by Rony Plesl. This collection combines the talents of these sister glassmaking brands – the breathtaking art of hand-cut crystal from Rückl, with exceptional technical solutions and the principle of light constellations typical for BOMMA.